About Me

Twelve things about me…

  1. I write for young readers, because I never grew up … and never will. That’s a promise.
  2. I started my first novel when I was seven, but stopped after the second sentence when I realized I didn’t have enough life experience.Elizabeth Fais
  3. I was a strange kid … still am … I just look older.
  4. Adventure films are a favorite, because they’re just plain fun.
  5. I also love comedies, especially the wacky screwball ones.
  6. Laughing is the best. Coffee and chocolate are close seconds. Don’t make me choose between them.
  7. I can’t imagine a life without music.
  8. There’s a neon sign flashing above my head that only animals can see that says “Eat here! Always open, always good!” Which is probably why all kinds of animals find me…everywhere I go.
  9. Cricket Magazine published my article about attending a hands-on elephant handling school (with real elephants!) at Riddle’s Elephant Sanctuary in Arkansas.
  10. I got a black belt in Tae Kwon Do because I liked the twirly kicks.
  11. I’m really a Dog Person, but my cats don’t believe me!
  12. I must have been a rabbit in a past life, because it’s the only way to explain my cravings for all things salad-y.

Author Photograph by Olivia Marshall

12 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Loving the blog site, Elizabeth.

    The color, the banner. Fifteen ineresting facts. Wish I were more a rabbit instead of a sugar junkie.

    Good job all the way around,

  2. Hi Elizabeth! I nominated you for the Leibster blog award (http://neyska.com/2013/05/16/writing-comprimised-and-the-liebster-award/). Do with it as you like. Happy blogging! 🙂

  3. Your awesome! We have so much in common–testing for my purple belt in TKD tomorrow (at 39 years old)–wish me luck. 🙂

  4. 🙂 “I learned how to work with elephants.” How wonderful! I did a mahout (trainer) day in Chiang Mai. Did you ever put your skills to work?

    • I’m using my elephant training skills in my writing. I wouldn’t be able to do my next project without that experience. 😉

      I wanted learn how to work with elephants, because I’d heard how intelligent they are. I wanted to experience them first-hand. They turned out to be smarter and more sensitive than I could have imagined. They are amazing creatures!

  5. Rose Whitehorn said:

    My name is Rose Whitehorn. I work for a public library system in Florida. I am part of a small team trying to initiate a progressive writing group. Do you have any suggestions? At this point we are trying to look at all options and/or possibilities. All suggestions are appreciated. Thank you. Rose.

    • I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you mean by a progressive writing group. I belong to the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, where members who are interested in forming critique groups can connect with one another in various ways. I know the Romance Writers of America offer similar benefits for their members. If neither of those organizations are what you’re looking for, I would look to a local college or university for established groups that might be able to provide the information you need.

  6. Hold onto that youth, “young lady.” Have a wonderful day.

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